Phishing is the number one cause for data breaches and XSurfLog has protection using Machine Learning (AI) to defend against this.
An average of
of people click on dangerous phishing links and XSurflog tracks browser activity to provide insight, detection and protection.
Browsing the internet can be dangerous and it only takes one link to compromise an account or computer.
Works with all devices including mobile devices, tablets, desktops and laptops.
With increasing risks from the internet and people being either accidentally or purposefully tricked, it is a necessity to log and protect your browser usage. XSurf Log logs and protects your website usage within the cloud.
Pick the features that suit your business needs.
Allows browser usage monitoring alignment with IS0 27001 and 27002 - Logging and Monitoring and NIST SP 800 53 - Audit and Accountability Controls.
Monitor the websites employees go to for regulatory, compliance and security reasons
Improve your Security Investigation, Detection Capabilities, Data Leakage Prevention, Block by Upload, and Block by Website Category
Provide visibility and insight into website and phishing link attacks that is useful for security investigation.
Provided as SaaS from the cloud so no servers or management required. On-premise option available for enterprises.
XSurf Log can be useful to help track employees about to leave.
Help companies using the internet be complaint with ISO 27001-27002, NIST SP 800 53, EU GDPR and other cyber security standards